Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The differences product between both kind of black tea (CTC and Orthodox) :

    CTC :

  1. BP 1 (Broken Pekoe 1).  Its circular roundish granulated particle, color in chromatic black until chocolate, there no of fibre.
  2. PF 1 (Pekoe Fanning).  Its circular roundish granulated particle, color in blackish chromatic a few/little chocolate, there's no or a few/little fibre.
  3. PD (Pekoe Dust).  Its circular roundish granulated particle, color in chromatic black a few/little chocolate, there's no or a little a few/little fibre.
  4. D 1 (Dust 1).  Its roundish granulated particle, chromatic rather brown, there’s no or a few/little fibre.
  5. Fann (Fanning).  Its particle roundish rather flat and light, black-brown chromatic until rather red, there are a few/little fibre..
  6. D 2 (Dust 2) .  Its circular roundish granulated particle until light but rather, black-brown chromatic squeezing, and more containing fibre compared to Dust 1.
  7. D 3 (Dust 3).  Its circular roundish granulated particle until light but rather than Dust 2, black-brownish chromatic squeezing, and more containing fibre compared to Dust 2.
  8. BM ( Broken Mix) . Its particle consist of various size measure and form, chromatic squeezing, and always contain fibre.
  9. F 2 ( Fanning 2).  Its granulated roundish particle rather flat and lighter than Fann, black-brownish chromatic until rather red, there are a few/little fibre or much fibre..
  10. BM 2 (Broken Mix) .  Its particle consist of the more size measure and form, black-brownish chromatic squeezing, and containing fibre.
  11. Pluff

  1. BOP (Broken Orange Pekoe).   Its short sharess, rather small is, black curly consist of short leaf bone with frizzy small leaf leaf rip, especially come from young leaf, and its wight rather heavy.
  2. BOPF (Broken Orange Pekoe Fanning).  The particle like BOP but have smaller size and more curly.
  3. Pfann ( Pekoe Fanning).   It”s shape like BOPF but have smaller size than BOPF.
  4. Dust.   Its particle very very small and blackish.
  5. BT (Broken Tea).   Small particle, flat, blackish, and light.
  6. BP (Broken Pekoe).   Its diametrical short sharess, consist of young leaf handle, leaf bone, and leaf rips, chromatic rather black.
  7. PF II (Pekoe Fanning).   Its particle in form of like PFANN, but rather containing many leaf handle and fibre, so that its colour red.
  8. Dust II.     its fairish particle very small, many leaf handle and fibre, so that enragement chromatic.
  9. BT II (Broken Tea). Its shape like BT, but more contain fibre, so that its color more red than BT.
  10. BP II ( Broken Pekoe). Its shape like BT, but more contain handle leaf and bone, so its more red than BP.
  11. Dust III.  Its fairish particle very small, more leaf handle and fibre compared to Dust II, so that enragement chromatic..
  12. Fann II (Fanning II). Its smaller fairish particle than BOPF, but rather containing many leaf bone and fibre, redish chromatic..
  13. BM (Broken Mix). Is mixture from two or more type quality of powder tea ( Brokens).
  14. Pluff

Friday, June 20, 2008

Black tea Processing

In processing black tea, there are 2 kind/type process, which is CTC and Orthodox.
There are 6 ways of processing black tea. Which in each part have difference between CTC and Orthodox process:

Wilting is effort to alter the condition of tea leaf sprout physical from fresh situation become weak or wilt step by step by evaporating some of water on tea leaf sprout. Rate reduction water at tea leaf sprout result condensed dilution so that at kibbling process of cell dilution do not drop but Iump at surface of the leaf.

Tea leaves placed in some big box called withering through, and then fanning by fresh air and hot air to quickening wilt process by improving vicinity air temperature so that tea sprout become quickly wilting. For the Orthodox water rate wanted is 52 - 58%, while CTC water rate wanted is 68-76%.

2.Hulling and wet sortation
Hulling will cut leaf sprout so that will be obtained by leaf powder which later will become black tea. While wet sortation, is to dissociate particle leaf size measure which have been milled according to its size measure because in hulling, do not all leaf milled uniformly.
The difference between CTC and Orthodox is the equipment to process.
Hulling process of Orthodox started with tea leaf sprout which have experienced of wilt process first time step into hulling in OTR ( Open Top Roller). Result mill from OTR;then sieved in DIBN I ( Double Indian Bulkbreaker Nutsortier). Result of sieve yield I powder and the leaf that do not get away sieve enter in PCR ( Press Cup Roller). Result mill from PCR sieved in DIBN II and obtained II powder, the leaf that do not get away sieve enter in Rotorvane. Result mill Rotorvane sieved in DIBN III yield III powder and the leaf that not get away sieve enter in Rotorvane II. Result mill from Rotorvane II sieved in DIBN I, obtained IV powder and badag. Powder I, II, III, IV And badag
have an ferment process.

While CTC process started with leaf sprout which have wilt enter in GLS (Green Leaf Shifter) to have wet sortation Rich is dissociate of wilt leaf sprout from physical contamination.Then from GLS, leaf sprout enter in BLC (Bourbora Leaf Conditioner) and then enter in CTC machine. Hulling Process of CTC is Continue process.. In this CTC there are two CTC band. first band, from GLS ;then go to Rotorvane yielding harsh tea powder and green chromatic.;Then harsh tea powder enter CTC and yield smooth tea powder which is green chromatic chocolate. While at band two, tea leaf after passing GLS later;then [go] to BLC later;then enter CTC and yield smooth tea powder which is green chromatic chocolate.

3.Enzymatic Oxidation
Enzymatic oxidation aim is to give opportunity to polyphenol oxidase enzyme to be earning catalyze reaction of polyphenol compound oxidation in tea sprout.
Enzymatic oxidation at Orthodox process conducted by putting down tea powder at the trays at trolley and let certain during several time to be natural tea powder of enzymatic oxidation. This process between 140-200 minutes.

At CTC process, enzymatic oxidation by equipment called CFU (Continuous Fermenting Unit). This process between 60-120 minutes.

Target of draining process is to discontinue process of enzymatic oxidation of poliphenol in tea at the time of supporter composition o quality of black tea reach optimal situation, taking care of the nature of is specific of tea at the time of tired tea of optimum quality, degrading rate irrigate reach 2,5-3,5% so that black tea have energy keep old ones as well as killing undesirable microbial.
In orthodox process use FBD (Fluid Bed Dryer) at 15-25 minutes,
iN CTC process use VFBD (Vibro Fluid Bed Dryer) at 12-18 minutes.

5.Dry Sortation
Dry Sortasi represent work dissociate tea particle pursuant to form, colour, particle size measure, specific gravity and fibre content / bone, so that obtained uniform tea particle as according to standard wanted by consumer / market.
Orthodox process use Midleton, Vibrex, Chauta Shifter, Java Sortir, Teawan
CTC process Use Tea bin, vibro mesh, Chauta Shifter,Java Sortir, Winower

This is the final process of black tea.
intention of packing is to protect dry tea from physical damage ( increase of water rate, insect contamination ), facilitating transportation, depository and marketing, improve;repairing external appearance from dry tea, as well as minimization space in is depository.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What is Black Tea?

Black tea is the tea that made from young tea leaves and leaf buds from the Camellia sinensis plant. Once picked, the tea leaves are rolled until they start to darken and turn red. Next, the darkened leaves are spread out and allowed to ferment in contact with air (in a cool location) for 2 to 3 days. Once allowed to ferment for a specific amount of time, the leaves are quickly dried and the finished black teas are transferred to airtight containers for storage.

The tea plant is native to Southeast Asia that can grow up to a height of 40 feet, but is usually maintained at a height of two to three feet by regular pruning. The first spring leaf buds, called the first flush, are considered the highest-quality leaves. When the first flush leaf bud is picked, another one grows, which is called the second flush, and this continues until an autumn flush. The older leaves picked farther down the stems are considered to be of poorer quality.

processing of Sprout tea leaf is to alter fresh tea leaf sprout chemical composition in control, so that become product able to peep out the nature of desired at infusion water, like colour, taste and wanted aroma. This target can reach if raw material have good quality and also good way of processing. Way of good processing represent the way of [done/conducted] processing as according to condition of which qualify in each step process and supported by condition of complete machine and equipments and looked after.

There are 2 system in processing black tea, which is CTC (Crushing, tearing, curling) and Orthodox. Both of this processing system have difference, although the yield have same product that is black tea. The difference, for example water rate after wilting, at Orthodox process 52-58% while CTC process 68-76% so that, at draining process, CTC longer than Orthodox and draining temperature at CTC process higher than Orthodox process. Besides, on the duration process oxidize enzymatic time, Orthodox process longer than CTC, so that infusion water tea taste in Orthodox stronger than CTC.